"This Little Piggy" is the ninth episode of the thirteenth season of the animated sitcom ''Family Guy'', and the 240th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States on January 25, 2015, and is written by Kristin Long and directed by Brian Iles. In the episode, Meg becomes a foot fetish model. Meanwhile, Stewie decides to experience the world beyond daycare. ==Plot== During a “graduation” at Stewie's preschool, Brian belittles his achievements while a photographer named Evan offers Meg a modeling job, much to her parents' disbelief. At the end of the shoot, she is surprised to discover that her modeling is solely for foot fetish pornography. She returns home to her still skeptical parents Peter and Lois and brags about her potential. However, she is still unsure of herself until she is shown that she really is a success. Meanwhile, Stewie realizes his “graduation” is not a real achievement and decides to take a year off from school to see the world. They stop at the Rhode Island Folk Festival where Stewie disguises himself to appear older. He tries to settle in without luck and takes his act overboard. Back at home, Chris goes searching for online pornography and discovers Meg's secret. He tells their parents while showing them the pictures. Peter and Lois confront her when she starts to leave. They demand she stop modeling but she stands up to them and walks out to go to a party. Lois is determined to find Meg and get her away from her party. Later, Stewie and Brian fall for the same hippie girl named Cassandra. Even though they temporarily agree to get along together with her, they soon begin to set out to destroy each other's chances. Despite this, they discover she is open to a three-way, but after she leads them to her tent, she overdoses on cocaine and dies. They take her to a nearby cliff to dump her body where she lands in a pile of other bodies of overdose victims. Peter and Lois go to Quagmire's house to get a lead on the party, and discover that 50 men will have sex with Meg's foot. Arriving, they stop her by apologizing for the way they treat her. When they start to leave, the 50 men stop them and state they still have to have sex with a foot. In order to keep the group happy, Peter and Lois use Joe's foot while distracting him by making him watch ''Tower Heist'' on a tablet and not telling him what they needed his foot for. Stewie returns to school satisfied with his experience in the real world. Peter answers the door where Joe tells him that he thinks his foot somehow becomes pregnant while he was watching ''Tower Heist''. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「This Little Piggy (Family Guy)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク